By now, most business owners have seen many reminders on the internet about the deadline for Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) submissions that are due 30 April 2023. Skills Development legislation currently determines that any business with an annual payroll of over R500 000 must submit their WSPs and ATRs – […]

Top 10 reasons why you should have an SDF

A Skills Development Facilitator, SDF for short, is an individual that has an in-depth understanding of the Skills Development landscape. While an internal employee of your company may have this knowledge, a Skills Development Facilitator is set apart by a few key features: An in-depth understanding and strong relationships with SETAs and the Department of […]

#BEEready: What to do if you are registered under the incorrect SETA?

If you find out you are registered under the incorrect SETA, your must follow these steps: 1. Complete an IST01 (inter-SETA transfer) document, available online or from your SDF. 2. Submit the IST01 to your current incorrect SETA to be signed off and processed to the new correct SETA. 3. When submitting an IST01, be […]


By now, most business owners have seen many reminders on the internet about the deadline for Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) submissions that are due 30 April 2020. Skills Development legislation currently determines that any business with an annual payroll of over R500 000 are required to submit their WSPs and […]