
Training that is linked to the Skills Development Strategy and that is seen as an important way of addressing the skills shortages in South Africa.

Helping you find an Accredited Training Provider according to your needs. SDF Corp help companies to provide an individual or group of individuals with resources and education according to their needs, after that they can then start their journey of growing to their full potential.

We search for a training provider that kindles innovation and sustainable change

We search for a training provider that works with any individual or group

Fostering a love for entrepreneurship, business, and a balanced life

The way to success:

Each learner is assessed to determine their current skill set and education level, which determines their starting point

All learners start with a general education programme on nutrition, HIV awareness, and value-teachings like empathy and respect

An appropriate accredited training course is selected for the learner and they start basic business skills to make them employable

Entrepreneurial skills are encouraged and developed for sustainable business growth to bring true long-term transformation